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irl like you; by the fine eyes of a young man。
“The news of Count Bezuhov’s death reached us before your letter; and affected my father very much。 He says that the count was the last representative but one of the great century and that it is his turn now; but that he will do his best to have his turn come as late as possible。 May God save us from that terrible misfortune。 I cannot agree with you about Pierre; whom I knew as a child。 He always appeared to me to have an excellent heart; and that is the quality that I most esteem in people。 As to his inheritance and Prince Vassily’s behaviour about it; it is very sad for both。 Ah; my dear friend; our divine Saviour’s word; that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of Heaven is a terribly true saying; I pity Prince Vassily; and I am yet more sorry for Pierre。 So young and burdened with this wealth; to what temptations he will be exposed! If I were asked what I wished most in the world; it would be to be poorer than the poorest beggar。 A thousand thanks; dear friend; for the work you send me; and which is all the rage where you are。 As; however; you tell me that amid many good things there are others to which our weak human understanding cannot attain; it seems to me rather useless to busy oneself in reading an unintelligible book; since for that very reason it cannot yield any profit。 I have never been able to comprehend the passion which some people have for confusing their minds by giving themselves to the study of mystical books which only awaken their doubts; inflaming their imagination; and giving them a disposition to exaggeration altogether contrary to Christian simplicity。 Let us read the Apostles and the Gospel。 Do not let us seek to penetrate what is mysterious in these; for how can we dare presume; miserable sinners as we are; to enter into the terrible and sacred secrets of Providence; while we wear this carnal husk that raises an impenetrable veil between us and the Eternal? Let us rather confine ourselves to studying those sublime principles which our divine Saviour has left us as guides for our conduct here below; let us seek to conform ourselves to those and follow them; let us persuade ourselves that the less range we give to our weak human understanding; the more agreeable it will be to God; who rejects all knowledge that does not come from Him; that the less we seek to dive into that which He has pleased to hide from our knowledge the sooner will He discover it to us by means of His divine Spirit。
“My father has not spoken to me of the suitor; but has only told me that he has received a letter; and was expecting a visit from Prince Vassily。 In regard to a marriage…scheme concerning myself; I will tell you; my dear and excellent friend; that to my mind marriage is a divine institution to which we must conform。 However painful it may be to me; if the Alrnighty should ever impose upon me the duties of a wife and mother; I shall try to fulfil them as faithfully as I can without disquieting myself by examining my feelings in regard to him whom He may give me for a husband。
“I have received a letter from my brother; who announces his coming to Bleak Hills with his wife。 It will be a pleasure of brief duration; since he is leaving us to take part in this unhappy war into which we have been drawn; God knows how and why。 It is not only with you; in the centre of business and society; that people talk of nothing except war; for here also; amid those rustic labours and that calm of nature; which townspeople generally imagine in the country; rumours of war are heard and are felt painfully。 My father talks of nothing but marches and counter…marches; things of which I understand nothing; and the day before yesterday; taking my usual walk in the village street; I witnessed a heartrending scene。… It was a convoy of recruits that had been enrolled in our district; and were being sent away to the army。 You should have seen the state of the mothers; wives and children of the men who were going; and have heard the sobs on both sides。 It seems as though humanity had forgotten the laws of its divine Saviour; Who preached love and the forgiveness of offences; and were making the greatest merit to consist in the art of killing one another。
“Adieu; dear and good friend: may our divine Saviour and His most Holy Mother keep you in their holy and powerful care。
“Ah; you are sending off your letters; princess。 I have already finished mine。 I have written to my poor mother;” said Mademoiselle Bourienne quickly in her agreeable; juicy voice; with a roll of the r’s。 She came in; all smiles; bringing into the intense; melancholy; gloomy atmosphere of the Princess Marya an alien world of gay frivolity and self…satisfaction。 “Princess; I must warn you;” she added; dropping her voice; “the prince has had an altercation;” she said; with a peculiar roll of the r; seeming to listen to herself with pleasure。 “An altercation with Mihail Ivanov。 He is in a very ill humour; very morose。 Be prepared; you know。”
“Ah; chère amie;” answered Princess Marya; “I have begged you never to tell me beforehand in what humour I shall find my father。 I do not permit myself to judge him and I would not have others do so。”
The princess glanced at her watch; and seeing that it was already five minutes later than the hour fixed for her practice on the clavichord; she went with a face of alarm into the divan…room。 In accordance with the rules by which the day was mapped out; the prince rested from twelve to two; while the young princess practised on the clavichord。

Chapter 23
THE GREY…HAIRED VALET was sitting in the waiting…room dozing and listening to the prince’s snoring in his immense study。 From a far…off part of the house there came through closed doors the sound of difficult passages of a sonata of Dusseck’s repeated twenty times over。
At that moment a carriage and a little cart drove up to the steps; and Prince Andrey got out of the carriage; helped his little wife out and let her pass into the house before him。 Grey Tihon in his wig; popping out at the door of the waiting…room; informed him in a whisper that the prince was taking a nap and made haste to close the door。 Tihon knew that no extraordinary event; not even the arrival of his son; would be permitted to break through the routine of the day。 Prince Andrey was apparently as well aware of the fact as Tihon。 He looked at his watch as though to ascertain whether his father’s habits had changed during the time he had not seen him; and satisfying himself that they were unchanged; he turned to his wife。
“He will get up in twenty minutes。 Let’s go to Marie;” he said。
The little princess had grown stouter during this time; but her short upper lip; with a smile and the faint moustache on it; rose as gaily and charmingly as ever when she spoke。
“Why; it is a palace;” she said to her husband; looking round her with exactly the expression with which people pay compliments to the host at a ball。 “Come; quick; quick!” As she looked about her; she smiled at Tihon and at her husband; and at the footman who was showing them in。
“It is Marie practisin
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