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every feature of her tender face。
Rostov saw all this as clearly as though he had known her whole life。 He felt that he was in the presence of a creature utterly different from and better than all those he had met up to that moment; and; above all; far better than he was himself。
The conversation was of the simplest and most insignificant kind。 They talked of the war; unconsciously; like every one else; exaggerating their sadness on that subject; they talked of their last meeting—and Nikolay then tried to turn the subject; they talked of the kind…hearted governor’s wife; of Nikolay’s relations; and of Princess Marya’s。
Princess Marya did not talk of her brother; but turned the conversation; as soon as her aunt mentioned Prince Andrey。 It was evident that of the troubles of Russia she could speak artificially; but her brother was a subject too near her heart; and she neither would nor could speak lightly of him。 Nikolay noticed this; as indeed with a keenness of observation not usual with him; he noticed every shade of Princess Marya’s character; and everything confirmed him in the conviction that she was an altogether rare and original being。
Nikolay; like Princess Marya; had blushed and been embarrassed; when he heard the princess spoken of; and even when he thought of her; but in her presence he felt perfectly at ease; and he said to her not at all what he had prepared beforehand to say to her; but what came into his mind at the moment; and always quite appropriately。
As visitors always do where there are children; Nikolay; in a momentary silence during his brief visit; had recourse to Prince Andrey’s little son; caressing him; and asking him if he would like to be an hussar。 He took the little boy in his arms; began gaily whirling him round; and glanced at Princess Marya。 With softened; happy; shy eyes; she was watching the child she loved in the arms of the man she loved。 Nikolay caught that look too; and as though he divined its significance; flushed with delight; and fell to kissing the child with simple…hearted gaiety。
Princess Marya was not going into society at all on account of her mourning; and Nikolay did not think it the proper thing to call on them again。 But the governor’s wife still persisted in her match…making; and repeating to Nikolay something flattering Princess Marya had said of him; and vice versa; kept urging that Rostov should declare himself to Princess Marya。 With this object; she arranged that the young people should meet at the reverend father’s before Mass。
Though Rostov did tell the governor’s wife that he should make no sort of declaration to Princess Marya; he promised to be there。
Just as at Tilsit Rostov had not allowed himself to doubt whether what was accepted by every one as right were really right; so now after a brief but sincere struggle between the effort to order his life in accordance with his own sense of right; and humble submission to circumstances; he chose the latter; and yielded himself to the power; which; he felt; was irresistibly carrying him away。 He knew that to declare his feelings to Princess Marya after his promise to Sonya would be what he called base。 And he knew that he would never do a base thing。 But he knew too (it was not what he knew; but what he felt at the bottom of his heart); that in giving way now to the force of circumstances and of the people guiding him; he was not only doing nothing wrong; but was doing something very; very grave; something of more gravity than anything he had done in his life。
After seeing Princess Marya; though his manner of life remained externally the same; all his former pleasures lost their charm for him; and he often thought of her。 But he never thought of her; as he had thought of all the young girls he had met in society; nor as he had long; and sometimes with enthusiasm; thought of Sonya。 Like almost every honest…hearted young man; he had thought of every young girl as of a possible future wife; had adapted to them in his imagination all the pictures of domestic felicity: the white morning wrapper; the wife behind the samovar; the wife’s carriage; the little ones; mamma and papa; their attitude to one another; and so on; and so on。 And these pictures of the future afforded him gratification。 But when he thought of Princess Marya; to whom the match…makers were trying to betroth him; he could never form any picture of his future married life with her。 Even if he tried to do so; it all seemed incoherent and false。 And it only filled him with dread。

Chapter 7
THE TERRIBLE NEWS of the battle of Borodino; of our losses in killed and wounded; and the even more terrible news of the loss of Moscow reached Voronezh in the middle of September。 Princess Marya; learning of her brother’s wound only from the newspapers; and having no definite information about him; was preparing (so Nikolay heard; though he had not seen her) to set off to try and reach Prince Andrey。
On hearing the news of the battle of Borodino and of the abandonment of Moscow; Rostov felt; not despair; rage; revenge; nor any such feeling; but a sudden weariness and vexation with everything at Voronezh; and a sense of awkwardness and uneasy conscience。 All the conversations he listened to seemed to him insincere; he did not know what to think of it all; and felt that only in the regiment would all become clear to him again。 He made haste to conclude the purchase of horses; and was often without good cause ill…tempered with his servant and quarter…master。
Several days before Rostov’s departure there was a thanksgiving service in the cathedral for the victory gained by the Russian troops; and Nikolay went to the service。 He was a little behind the governor; and was standing through the service meditating with befitting sedateness on the most various subjects。 When the service was concluding; the governor’s wife beckoned him to her。
“Did you see the princess?” she said; with a motion of her hand towards a lady in black standing behind the choir。
Nikolay recognised Princess Marya at once; not so much from the profile he saw under her hat as from the feeling of watchful solicitude; awe; and pity which came over him at once。 Princess Marya; obviously buried in her own thoughts; was making the last signs of the cross before leaving the church。
Nikolay gazed in wonder at her face。 It was the same face he had seen before; there was the same general look of refined; inner; spiritual travail; but now there was an utterly different light in it。 There was a touching expression of sadness; of prayer and of hope in it。 With the same absence of hesitation as he had felt before in her presence; without waiting for the governor’s wife to urge him; without asking himself whether it were right; whether it were proper for him to address her here in church; Nikolay went up to her; and said he had heard of her trouble and grieved with his whole heart to hear of it。 As soon as she heard his voice; a vivid colour glowed in her face; lighting up at once her joy and her sorrow。
“One thing I wanted to tell you; princess;” said Rostov; “that is; that if Prince Andrey Nikolaevitch were not living; since he is a colonel; it would be announced immediately in the gazette
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