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“Silence!” roared the general; in a soul…quaking voice; expressing at once gladness on his own account; severity as regards the regiment; and welcome as regards the approaching commander…in…chief。
A high; blue Vienna coach with several horses was driving at a smart trot; rumbling on its springs; along the broad unpaved high…road; with trees planted on each side of it。 The general’s suite and an escort of Croats galloped after the coach。 Beside Kutuzov sat an Austrian general in a white uniform; that looked strange among the black Russian ones。 The coach drew up on reaching the regiment。 Kutuzov and the Austrian general were talking of something in low voices; and Kutuzov smiled slightly as; treading heavily; he put his foot on the carriage step; exactly as though those two thousand men gazing breathlessly at him and at their general; did not exist at all。
The word of command rang out; again the regiment quivered with a clanking sound as it presented arms。 In the deathly silence the weak voice of the commander…in…chief was audible。 The regiment roared: “Good health to your Ex 。。 lency 。。 lency 。。 lency!” And again all was still。 At first Kutuzov stood in one spot; while the regiment moved; then Kutuzov began walking on foot among the ranks; the white general beside him; followed by his suite。
From the way that the general in command of the regiment saluted the commander…in…chief; fixing his eyes intently on him; rigidly respectful and obsequious; from the way in which; craning forward; he followed the generals through the ranks; with an effort restraining his quivering strut; and darted up at every word and every gesture of the commander…in…chief;—it was evident that he performed his duties as a subordinate with even greater zest than his duties as a commanding officer。 Thanks to the strictness and assiduity of its commander; the regiment was in excellent form as compared with the others that had arrived at Braunau at the same time。 The sick and the stragglers left behind only numbered two hundred and seventeen; and everything was in good order except the soldiers’ boots。
Kutuzov walked through the ranks; stopping now and then; and saying a few friendly words to officers he had known in the Turkish war; and sometimes to the soldiers。 Looking at their boots; he several times shook his head dejectedly; and pointed them out to the Austrian general with an expression as much as to say that he blamed no one for it; but he could not help seeing what a bad state of things it was。 The general in command of the regiment; on every occasion such as this; ran forward; afraid of missing a single word the commander…in…chief might utter regarding the regiment。 Behind Kutuzov; at such a distance that every word; even feebly articulated; could be heard; followed his suite; consisting of some twenty persons。 These gentlemen were talking among themselves; and sometimes laughed。 Nearest of all to the commander…in…chief walked a handsome adjutant。 It was Prince Bolkonsky。 Beside him was his comrade Nesvitsky; a tall staff…officer; excessively stout; with a good…natured; smiling; handsome face; and moist eyes。 Nesvitsky could hardly suppress his mirth; which was excited by a swarthy officer of hussars walking near him。 This officer; without a smile or a change in the expression of his fixed eyes; was staring with a serious face at the commanding officer’s back; and mimicking every movement he made。 Every time the commanding officer quivered and darted forward; the officer of hussars quivered and darted forward in precisely the same way。 Nesvitsky laughed; and poked the others to make them look at the mimic。
Kutuzov walked slowly and listlessly by the thousands of eyes which were almost rolling out of their sockets in the effort to watch him。 On reaching the third company; he suddenly stopped。 The suite; not foreseeing this halt; could not help pressing up closer to him。
“Ah; Timohin!” said the commander…in…chief; recognising the captain with the red nose who had got into trouble over the blue overcoat。
One would have thought it impossible to stand more rigidly erect than Timohin had done when the general in command of the regiment had made his remarks to him; but at the instant when the commander…in…chief addressed him; the captain stood with such erect rigidity that it seemed that; were the commander…in…chief to remain for some time looking at him; the captain could hardly sustain the ordeal; and for that reason Kutuzov; realising his position; and wishing him nothing but good; hurriedly turned away。 A scarcely perceptible smile passed over Kutuzov’s podgy face; disfigured by the scar of a wound。
“Another old comrade at Ismail!” he said。 “A gallant officer! Are you satisfied with him?” Kutuzov asked of the general in command。
And the general; all unconscious that he was being reflected as in a mirror in the officer of hussars behind him; quivered; pressed forward; and answered: “Fully; your most high excellency。”
“We all have our weaknesses;” said Kutuzov; smiling and walking away from him。 “He had a predilection for Bacchus。”
The general in command was afraid that he might be to blame for this; and made no answer。 The officer of hussars at that instant noticed the face of the captain with the red nose; and the rigidly drawn…in stomach; and mimicked his face and attitude in such a life…like manner that Nesvitsky could not restrain his laughter。 Kutuzov turned round。 The officer could apparently do anything he liked with his face; at the instant Kutuzov turned round; the officer had time to get in a grimace before assuming the most serious; respectful; and innocent expression。
The third company was the last; and Kutuzov seemed pondering; as though trying to recall something。 Prince Andrey stepped forward and said softly in French: “You told me to remind you of the degraded officer; Dolohov; serving in the ranks in this regiment。”
“Where is Dolohov?” asked Kutuzov。
Dolohov; attired by now in the grey overcoat of a private soldier; did not wait to be called up。 The slender figure of the fair…haired soldier; with his bright blue eyes; stepped out of the line。 He went up to the commander…in…chief and presented arms。
“A complaint to make?” Kutuzov asked with a slight frown。
“This is Dolohov;” said Prince Andrey。
“Ah!” said Kutuzov。 “I hope this will be a lesson to you; do your duty thoroughly。 The Emperor is gracious。 And I shall not forget you; if you deserve it。”
The bright blue eyes looked at the commander…in…chief just as impudently as at the general of his regiment; as though by his expression tearing down the veil of convention that removed the commander…in…chief so far from the soldier。
“The only favour I beg of your most high excellency;” he said in his firm; ringing; deliberate voice; “is to give me a chance to atone for my offence; and to prove my devotion to his majesty the Emperor; and to Russia。”
Kutuzov turned away。 There was a gleam in his eyes of the same smile with which he had turned away from Captain Timohin。 He turned away and frowned; as though to express that all Dolohov had said to him and all he could say; he had known long; long ago; that he was sick to death long ago of it; an
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