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on that there was gladness in it as well as sorrow。
“Do you drink vodka?” said Princess Marya; and those words at once dispelled the shadows of the past。
“Tell us about yourself;” said Princess Marya; “such incredibly marvellous stories are being told about you。”
“Yes;” answered Pierre; with the gentle smile of irony that had now become habitual with him。 “I myself am told of marvels that I never dreamed of。 Marya Abramovna invited me to come and see her and kept telling me what had happened to me; or ought to have happened。 Stepan Stepanovitch too instructed me how I was to tell my story。 Altogether I have noticed that to be an interesting person is a very easy position (I am now an interesting person); people invite me and then tell me all about it。”
Natasha smiled and was about to say something。
“We have been told that you lost two millions in Moscow。 Is that true?”
“Oh; I am three times as rich;” said Pierre。 In spite of the strain on his fortune; of his wife’s debts; and the necessity of rebuilding; Pierre still said that he had become three times as rich。
“What I have undoubtedly gained;” he said; “is freedom …” he was beginning seriously; but on second thoughts he did not continue; feeling that it was too egoistic a subject。
“And you are building?”
“Yes; such are Savelitch’s orders。”
“Tell me; you had not heard of the countess’s death when you stayed in Moscow?” said Princess Marya; and she flushed crimson at once; conscious that in putting this question to him after his mention of “freedom;” she was ascribing a significance to his words which was possibly not intended。
“No;” answered Pierre; obviously unconscious of any awkwardness in the interpretation Princess Marya had put on his allusion to his freedom。 “I heard of it in Orel; and you cannot imagine how it affected me。 We were not an exemplary couple;” he said quickly; glancing at Natasha and detecting in her face curiosity as to how he would speak of his wife。 “But her death affected me greatly。 When two people quarrel; both are always in fault。 And one becomes terribly aware of one’s shortcomings towards any one who is no more。 And then such a death … apart from friends and consolation。 I felt very sorry for her;” he concluded; and noticed with satisfaction a glad look of approval on Natasha’s face。
“And so you are once more an eligible parti;” said Princess Marya。
Pierre flushed suddenly crimson; and for a long while he tried not to look at Natasha。 When he did venture to glance at her; her face was cold and severe; even; he fancied; disdainful。
“But did you really see and talk to Napoleon; as we have been told?” said Princess Marya。
Pierre laughed。
“Not once; never。 Every one always imagines that to be a prisoner is equivalent to being on a visit to Napoleon。 I never saw; never even heard anything about him。 I was in much lower company。”
Supper was over; and Pierre; who had at first refused to talk about his captivity; was gradually drawn into telling them about it。
“But it is true that you stayed behind to kill Napoleon?” Natasha asked him with a slight smile。 “I guessed that at the time when we met you by the Suharev Tower: do you remember?”
Pierre owned that it was so; and from that question was led on by Princess Marya’s; and still more by Natasha’s; questions to give a detailed account of his adventures。
At first he told his story with that tone of gentle irony that he always had now towards men and especially towards himself。 But as he came to describe the horrors and sufferings he had seen; he was drawn on unawares; and began to speak with the suppressed emotion of a man living again in imagination through the intense impressions of the past。
Princess Marya looked from Pierre to Natasha with a gentle smile。 In all he told them she saw only Pierre and his goodness。 Natasha; her head supported in her hand; and her face changing continually with the story; watched Pierre; never taking her eyes off him; and was in imagination passing through all he told her with him。 Not only her eyes; but her exclamations and the brief questions she put showed Pierre that she understood from his words just what he was trying to convey by them。 It was evident that she understood; not only what he said; but also what he would have liked to say and could not express in words。 The episode of the child and of the woman in whose defence he was taken prisoner; Pierre described in this way。 “It was an awful scene; children abandoned; some in the midst of the fire … Children were dragged out before my eyes … and women; who had their things pulled off them; earrings torn off …”
Pierre flushed and hesitated。 “Then a patrol came up and all who were not pillaging; all the men; that is; they took prisoner。 And me with them。”
“I am sure you are not telling us all; I am sure you did something;” said Natasha; and after a moment’s pause; “something good。”
Pierre went on with his story。 When he came to the execution; he would have passed over the horrible details of it; but Natasha insisted on his leaving nothing out。
Pierre was beginning to tell them about Karataev; he had risen from the table and was walking up and down; Natasha following him with her eyes。
“No;” he said; stopping short in his story; “you cannot understand what I learned from that illiterate man—that simple creature。”
“No; no; tell us;” said Natasha。 “Where is he now?”
“He was killed almost before my eyes。”
And Pierre began to describe the latter part of their retreat; Karataev’s illness (his voice shook continually) and then his death。
Pierre told the tale of his adventures as he had never thought of them before。 He saw now as it were a new significance in all he had been through。 He experienced now in telling it all to Natasha that rare happiness given to men by women when they listen to them—not by clever women; who; as they listen; are either trying to remember what they are told to enrich their intellect and on occasion to repeat it; or to adapt what is told them to their own ideas and to bring out in haste the clever comments elaborated in their little mental factory。 This rare happiness is given only by those real women; gifted with a faculty for picking out and assimilating all that is best in what a man shows them。 Natasha; though herself unconscious of it; was all rapt attention; she did not lost one word; one quaver of the voice; one glance; one twitching in the facial muscles; one gesture of Pierre’s。 She caught the word before it was uttered and bore it straight to her open heart; divining the secret import of all Pierre’s spiritual travail。
Princess Marya understood his story and sympathised with him; but she was seeing now something else that absorbed all her attention。 She saw the possibility of love and happiness between Natasha and Pierre。 And this idea; which struck her now for the first time; filled her heart with gladness。
It was three o’clock in the night。 The footmen; with melancholy and severe faces; came in with fresh candles; but no one noticed them。
Pierre finished his story。 With shining; eager eyes Natasha still gazed intently and persistently at him; as though she longed to understand som
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