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“But what is one to do? She cannot help it;” thought Princess Marya; and with a sad and somewhat severe face she repeated to Natasha all Pierre had said to her。 Natasha was stupefied to hear he was going to Petersburg。 “To Petersburg!” she repeated; as though unable to take it in。
But looking at the mournful expression of Princess Marya’s face she divined the cause of her sadness; and suddenly burst into tears。
“Marie;” she said; “tell me what I am to do。 I am afraid of being horrid。 Whatever you say; I will do; tell me …”
“You love him?”
“Yes!” whispered Natasha。
“What are you crying for; then? I am very glad for you;” said Princess Marya; moved by those tears to complete forgiveness of Natasha’s joy。
“It will not be soon … some day。 Only think how happy it will be when I am his wife and you marry Nikolay!”
“Natasha; I have begged you not to speak of that。 Let us talk of you。”
Both were silent。
“Only why go to Petersburg?” cried Natasha suddenly; and she hastened to answer herself。 “No; no; it must be so … Yes; Marie? It must be …”



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