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“I have the honour to congratulate you。 General Mack has arrived; quite well; only slightly wounded here;” he added; pointing with a beaming smile to his head。
The general frowned; turned away and went on。
“Gott; wie na?v!” he said angrily; when he was a few steps away。
Nesvitsky with a chuckle threw his arms round Prince Andrey; but Bolkonsky; turning even paler; pushed him away with a furious expression; and turned to Zherkov。 The nervous irritability; into which he had been thrown by the sight of Mack; the news of his defeat and the thought of what lay before the Russian army; found a vent in anger at the misplaced jest of Zherkov。
“If you; sir;” he began cuttingly; with a slight trembling in his lower jaw; “like to be a clown; I can’t prevent your being so; but if you dare to play the fool another time in my presence; I’ll teach you how to behave。”
Nesvitsky and Zherkov were so astounded at this outburst that they gazed at Bolkonsky with open eyes。
“Why; I only congratulated them;” said Zherkov。
“I am not jesting with you; be silent; please!” shouted Bolkonsky; and taking Nesvitsky’s arm; he walked away from Zherkov; who could not find any reply。
“Come; what is the matter; my dear boy?” said Nesvitsky; trying to soothe him。
“What’s the matter?” said Prince Andrey; standing still from excitement。 “Why; you ought to understand that we’re either officers; who serve their Tsar and their country and rejoice in the success; and grieve at the defeat of the common cause; or we’re hirelings; who have no interest in our master’s business。 Forty thousand men massacred and the army of our allies destroyed; and you find something in that to laugh at;” he said; as though by this French phrase he were strengthening his view。 “It is all very well for a worthless fellow like that individual of whom you have made a friend; but not for you; not for you。 None but schoolboys can find amusement in such jokes;” Prince Andrey added in Russian; uttering the word with a French accent。 He noticed that Zherkov could still hear him; and waited to see whether the cornet would not reply。 But the cornet turned and went out of the corridor。

Chapter 4
THE PAVLOGRADSKY REGIMENT of hussars was stationed two miles from Braunau。 The squadron in which Nikolay Rostov was serving as ensign was billeted on a German village; Salzeneck。 The officer in command of the squadron; Captain Denisov; known through the whole cavalry division under the name of Vaska Denisov; had been assigned the best quarters in the village。 Ensign Rostov had been sharing his quarters; ever since he overtook the regiment in Poland。
On the 8th of October; the very day when at headquarters all was astir over the news of Mack’s defeat; the routine of life was going on as before among the officers of this squadron。
Denisov; who had been losing all night at cards; had not yet returned home; when Rostov rode back early in the morning from a foraging expedition。 Rostov; in his ensign’s uniform; rode up to the steps; with a jerk to his horse; swung his leg over with a supple; youthful action; stood a moment in the stirrup as though loath to part from the horse; at last sprang down and called the orderly。
“Ah; Bondarenko; friend of my heart;” he said to the hussar who rushed headlong up to his horse。 “Walk him up and down; my dear fellow;” he said; with that gay and brotherly cordiality with which good…hearted young people behave to every one; when they are happy。
“Yes; your excellency;” answered the Little Russian; shaking his head good…humouredly。
“Mind now; walk him about well!”
Another hussar rushed up to the horse too; but Bondarenko had already hold of the reins。
It was evident that the ensign was liberal with his tips; and that his service was a profitable one。 Rostov stroked the horse on the neck and then on the haunch; and lingered on the steps。
“Splendid! What a horse he will be!” he said to himself; and smiling and holding his sword; he ran up the steps; clanking his spurs。 The German; on whom they were billeted; looked out of the cowshed; wearing a jerkin and a pointed cap; and holding a fork; with which he was clearing out the dung。 The German’s face brightened at once when he saw Rostov。 He smiled good…humouredly and winked。 “Good…morning; good…morning!” he repeated; apparently taking pleasure in greeting the young man。
“At work already?” said Rostov; still with the same happy; fraternal smile that was constantly on his eager face。 “Long live the Austrians! Long live the Russians! Hurrah for the Emperor Alexander!” he said; repeating phrases that had often been uttered by the German。 The German laughed; came right out of the cowshed; pulled off his cap; and waving it over his head; cried:
“And long live all the world!”
Rostov too; like the German; waved his cap over his bead; and laughing cried: “And hurrah for all the world!” Though there was no reason for any special rejoicing either for the German; clearing out his shed; or for Rostov; coming back from foraging for hay; both these persons gazed at one another in delighted ecstasy and brotherly love; wagged their heads at each other in token of their mutual affection; and parted with smiles; the German to his cowshed; and Rostov to the cottage he shared with Denisov。
“Where’s your master?” he asked of Lavrushka; Denisov’s valet; well known to all the regiment as a rogue。
“His honour’s not been in since the evening。 He’s been losing; for sure;” answered Lavrushka。 “I know by now; if he wins; he’ll come home early to boast of his luck; but if he’s not back by morning; it means that he’s lost;—he’ll come back in a rage。 Shall I bring coffee?”
“Yes; bring it。”
Ten minutes later; Lavrushka brought in the coffee。
“He’s coming!” said he; “now for trouble!”
Rostov glanced out of the window and saw Denisov returning home。 Denisov was a little man with a red face; sparkling black eyes; tousled black whiskers and hair。 He was wearing an unbuttoned tunic; wide breeches that fell in folds; and on the back of his head a crushed hussar’s cap。 Gloomily; with downcast head; he drew near the steps。
“Lavrushka;” he shouted; loudly and angrily; lisping the r; “come; take it off; blockhead!”
“Well; I am taking it off;” answered Lavrushka’s voice。
“Ah! you are up already;” said Denisov; coming into the room。
“Long ago;” said Rostov; “I’ve been out already after hay; and I have seen Fr?ulein Mathilde。”
“Really? And I’ve been losing; my boy; all night; like the son of a dog;” cried Denisov; not pronouncing his r’s。 “Such ill…luck! such ill…luck! …As soon as you left; my luck was gone。 Hey; tea?”
Denisov; puckering up his face as though he were smiling; and showing his short; strong teeth; began with his short…fingered hands ruffling up his thick; black hair; that was tangled like a forest。
“The devil was in me to go to that rat” (the nickname of an officer); he said; rubbing his brow and face with both hands。 “Only fancy; he didn’t deal me one card; not one; not one card!” Denisov took the lighted pipe that was handed to him; gripped it in his fist; and scattering sparks; he tapped it on the floor; still shouting。
“He lets m
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