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lls me I’m a liar … so let him give me satisfaction。”
“That’s all very fine; no one imagines that you’re a coward; but that’s not the point。 Ask Denisov if it’s not utterly out of the question for an ensign to demand satisfaction of his colonel?”
Denisov was biting his moustache with a morose air; listening to the conversation; evidently with no desire to take part in it。 To the captain’s question; he replied by a negative shake of the head。
“You speak to the colonel in the presence of other officers of this dirty business;” pursued the staff…captain。 “Bogdanitch” (Bogdanitch was what they called the colonel) “snubbed you …”
“No; he didn’t。 He said I was telling an untruth。”
“Quite so; and you talked nonsense to him; and you must apologise。”
“Not on any consideration!” shouted Rostov。
“I shouldn’t have expected this of you;” said the staff…captain seriously and severely。 “You won’t apologise; but; my good sir; it’s not only him; but all the regiment; all of us; that you’ve acted wrongly by; you’re to blame all round。 Look here; if you’d only thought it over; and taken advice how to deal with the matter; but you must go and blurt it all straight out before the officers。 What was the colonel to do then? Is he to bring the officer up for trial and disgrace the whole regiment? On account of one scoundrel is the whole regiment to be put to shame? Is that the thing for him to do; to your thinking? It is not to our thinking。 And Bogdanitch did the right thing。 He told you that you were telling an untruth。 It’s unpleasant; but what could he do? you brought it on yourself。 And now when they try to smooth the thing over; you’re so high and mighty; you won’t apologise; and want to have the whole story out。 You’re huffy at being put on duty; but what is it for you to apologise to an old and honourable officer! Whatever Bogdanitch may be; any way he’s an honourable and gallant old colonel; you’re offended at that; but disgracing the regiment’s nothing to you。” The staff…captain’s voice began to quaver。 “You; sir; have been next to no time in the regiment; you’re here to…day; and to…morrow you’ll be passed on somewhere as an adjutant; you don’t care a straw for people saying: ‘There are thieves among the Pavlograd officers!’ But we do care! Don’t we; Denisov? Do we care?”
Denisov still did not speak or stir; his gleaming black eyes glanced now and then at Rostov。
“Your pride is dear to you; you don’t want to apologise;” continued the staff…captain; “but we old fellows; as we grew up in the regiment and; please God; we hope to die in it; it’s the honour of the regiment is dear to us; and Bogdanitch knows that。 Ah; isn’t it dear to us! But this isn’t right; it’s not right! You may take offence or not; but I always speak the plain truth。 It’s not right!”
And the staff…captain got up and turned away from Rostov。
“That’s the truth; damn it!” shouted Denisov; jumping up。 “Come; Rostov; come!”
Rostov; turning crimson and white again; looked first at one officer and then at the other。
“No; gentlemen; no … you mustn’t think … I quite understand; you’re wrong in thinking that of me … I … for me … for the honour of the regiment I’d … but why talk? I’ll prove that in action and for me the honour of the flag … well; never mind; it’s true; I’m to blame!” … There were tears in his eyes。 “I’m wrong; wrong all round! Well; what more do you want?” …
“Come; that’s right; count;” cried the staff…captain; turning round and clapping him on the shoulder with his big hand。
“I tell you;” shouted Denisov; “he’s a capital fellow。”
‘That’s better; count;” repeated the captain; beginning to address him by his title as though in acknowledgment of his confession。 “Go and apologise; your excellency。”
“Gentlemen; I’ll do anything; no one shall hear a word from me;” Rostov protested in an imploring voice; “but I can’t apologise; by God; I can’t; say what you will! How can I apologise; like a little boy begging pardon!”
Denisov laughed。
“It’ll be the worse for you; if you don’t。 Bogdanitch doesn’t forget things; he’ll make you pay for your obstinacy;” said Kirsten。
“By God; it’s not obstinacy! I can’t describe the feeling it gives me。 I can’t do it。”
“Well; as you like;” said the staff…captain。 “What has the scoundrel done with himself?” he asked Denisov。
“He has reported himself ill; to…morrow the order’s given for him to be struck off;” said Denisov。
“It is an illness; there’s no other way of explaining it;” said the staff…captain。
“Whether it’s illness or whether it’s not; he’d better not cross my path—I’d kill him;” Denisov shouted bloodthirstily。
Zherkov walked into the room。
“How do you come here?” the officers cried to the newcomer at once。
“To the front; gentlemen。 Mack has surrendered with his whole army。”
“I’ve seen him myself。”
“What? Seen Mack alive; with all his arms and legs?”
“To the front! to the front! Give him a bottle for such news。 How did you come here?”
“I’ve been dismissed back to the regiment again on account of that devil; Mack。 The Austrian general complained of me。 I congratulated him on Mack’s arrival。 … What is it; Rostov; you look as if you’d just come out of a hot bath?”
“We’ve been in such a mess these last two days; old boy。”
The regimental adjutant came in and confirmed the news brought by Zherkov。 They were under orders to advance next day。
“To the front; gentlemen!”
“Well; thank God! we’ve been sticking here too long。”

Chapter 6
KUTUZOV fell back to Vienna; destroying behind him the bridges over the river Inn (in Braunau) and the river Traun (in Linz)。 On the 23rd of October the Russian troops crossed the river Enns。 The Russian baggage…waggons and artillery and the columns of troops were in the middle of that day stretching in a long string across the town of Enns on both sides of the bridge。 The day was warm; autumnal; and rainy。 The wide view that opened out from the heights where the Russian batteries stood guarding the bridge was at times narrowed by the slanting rain that shut it in like a muslin curtain; then again widened out; and in the bright sunlight objects could be distinctly seen in the distance; looking as if covered with a coat of varnish。 The little town could be seen below with its white houses and its red roofs; its cathedral and its bridge; on both sides of which streamed masses of Russian troops; crowded together。 At the bend of the Danube could be seen ships and the island and a castle with a park; surrounded by the waters formed by the Enns falling into the Danube; and the precipitous left bank of the Danube; covered with pine forest; with a mysterious distance of green tree…tops and bluish gorges。 Beyond the pine forest; that looked wild and untouched by the hand of man; rose the turrets of a nunnery; and in the far distance in front; on the hill on the further side of the Enns; could be seen the scouts of the enemy。
Between the cannons on the height stood the general in command of the rear…guard and an officer of the suite scanning the country through a field…glass。 A little behind them; there sat on the tru
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