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d on with the waggon。
Then came some hilarious soldiers; who had unmistakably been drinking。
“And didn’t he up with the butt end of his gun and give him one right in the teeth;” one soldier was saying gleefully with a wide sweep of his arm。
“It just was a delicious ham;” answered the other with a chuckle。 And they passed on; so that Nesvitsky never knew who had received the blow in his teeth; and what the ham had to do with it。
“Yes; they’re in a hurry now! When he let fly a bit of cold lead; one would have thought they were all being killed;” said an under officer; angrily and reproachfully。
“When it whizzed by me; uncle; the bullet;” said a young soldier with a huge mouth; scarcely able to keep from laughing; “I turned fairly numb。 Upon my soul; wasn’t I in a fright; to be sure!” said the soldier; making a sort of boast of his terror。
He; too; passed on。 After him came a waggon unlike all that had passed over before。 It was a German Vorspann with two horses; loaded; it seemed; with the goods of a whole household。 The horses were led by a German; and behind was fastened a handsome; brindled cow with an immense udder。 On piled…up feather…beds sat a woman with a small baby; an old woman; and a good…looking; rosy…cheeked German girl。 They were evidently country people; moving; who had been allowed through by special permit。 The eyes of all the soldiers were turned upon the women; and; while the waggon moved by; a step at a time; all the soldiers’ remarks related to the two women。 Every face wore almost the same smile; reflecting indecent ideas about the women。
“Hey; the sausage; he’s moving away!”
“Sell us your missis;” said another soldier; addressing the German; who strode along with downcast eyes; looking wrathful and alarmed。
“See how she’s dressed herself up! Ah; you devils!”
“I say; wouldn’t you like to be billeted on them; Fedotov!”
“I know a thing or two; mate!”
“Where are you going?” asked the infantry officer; who was eating an apple。 He too was half smiling and staring at the handsome girl。 The German; shutting his eyes; signified that he did not understand。
“Take it; if you like;” said the officer; giving the girl an apple。 The girl smiled and took it。 Nesvitsky; like all the men on the bridge; never took his eyes off the women till they had passed by。 When they had passed by; again there moved by the same soldiers; with the same talk; and at last all came to a standstill。 As often happens; the horses in a convoy…waggon became unmanageable at the end of the bridge; and the whole crowd had to wait。
“What are they standing still for? There’s no order kept!” said the soldiers。 “Where are you shoving?” “Damn it!” “Can’t you wait a little?” “It’ll be a bad look…out if he sets light to the bridge。”
“Look; there’s an officer jammed in too;” the soldiers said in different parts of the stationary crowd; as they looked about them and kept pressing forward to the end of the bridge。 Looking round at the waters of the Enns under the bridge; Nesvitsky suddenly heard a sound new to him; the sound of something rapidly coming nearer … something big; and then a splash in the water。
“Look where it reaches to!” a soldier standing near said sternly; looking round at the sound。
“He’s encouraging us to get on quicker;” said another uneasily。 The crowd moved again。 Nesvitsky grasped that it was a cannon ball。
“Hey; Cossack; give me my horse!” he said。 “Now then; stand aside! stand aside! make way!”
With a mighty effort he succeeded in getting to his horse。 Shouting continually; he moved forward。 The soldiers pressed together to make way for him; but jammed upon him again; so that they squeezed his leg; and those nearest him were not to blame; for they were pressed forward even more violently from behind。
“Nesvitsky! Nesvitsky! You; old chap!” he heard a husky voice shouting from behind at that instant。
Nesvitsky looked round and saw; fifteen paces away; separated from him by a living mass of moving infantry; the red and black and tousled face of Vaska Denisov with a forage…cap on the back of his head; and a pelisse swung jauntily over his shoulder。
“Tell them to make way; the damned devils!” roared Denisov; who was evidently in a great state of excitement。 He rolled his flashing; coal…black eyes; showing the bloodshot whites; and waved a sheathed sword; which he held in a bare hand as red as his face。
“Eh! Vaska!” Nesvitsky responded joyfully。 “But what are you about?”
“The squadron can’t advance!” roared Vaska Denisov; viciously showing his white teeth; and spurring his handsome; raven thoroughbred “Bedouin;” which; twitching its ears at the bayonets against which it pricked itself; snorting and shooting froth from its bit; tramped with metallic clang on the boards of the bridge; and seemed ready to leap over the railings; if its rider would let it。
“What next! like sheep! for all the world like sheep; back … make way! … Stand there! go to the devil with the waggon! I’ll cut you down with my sword!” he roared; actually drawing his sword out of the sheath and beginning to brandish it。
The soldiers; with terrified faces; squeezed together; and Denisov joined Nesvitsky。
“How is it you’re not drunk to…day?” said Nesvitsky; when he came up。
“They don’t even give us time to drink!” answered Vaska Denisov。 “They’ve been dragging the regiment to and fro the whole day。 Fighting’s all very well; but who the devil’s to know what this is!”
“How smart you are to…day!” said Nesvitsky; looking at his new pelisse and fur saddle…cloth。
Denisov smiled; pulled out of his sabretache a handkerchief that diffused a smell of scent; and put it to Nesvitsky’s nose。
“To be sure; I’m going into action! I’ve shaved; and cleaned my teeth and scented myself!”
Nesvitsky’s imposing figure; accompanied by his Cossack; and the determination of Denisov; waving his sword and shouting desperately; produced so much effect that they stopped the infantry and got to the other end of the bridge。 Nesvitsky found at the entry the colonel; to whom he had to deliver the command; and having executed his commission he rode back。
Having cleared the way for him; Denisov stopped at the entrance of the bridge。 Carelessly holding in his horse; who neighed to get to his companions; and stamped with its foot; he looked at the squadron moving towards him。 The clang of the hoofs on the boards of the bridge sounded as though several horses were galloping; and the squadron; with the officers in front; drew out four men abreast across the bridge and began emerging on the other side。
The infantry soldiers; who had been forced to stop; crowding in the trampled mud of the bridge; looked at the clean; smart hussars; passing them in good order; with that special feeling of aloofness and irony with which different branches of the service usually meet。
“They’re a smart lot! They ought to be on the Podnovinsky!”
“They’re a great deal of use! They’re only for show!” said another。
“Infantry; don’t you kick up a dust!” jested a hussar; whose horse; prancing; sent a spurt of mud on an infantry soldier。
“I should like to see you after two long marches with the knapsack on yo
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