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Nature: Passive
Glyphs #3 Power and #16 Magnitude unite to bee #78 UNLIMITED EXPANSION
Unlimited Expansion is the tone that follows the experience of unlimited joy。 As all exchanges within the dance of life are based upon joy; Unlimited Expansion or ascension occurs。 Expansion and ascension are related; but not the same。 Expansion brings forth the steps that lead to ascension。 Expansion causes one to push their field into areas that one's field had previously not extended into; triggering the necessary lessons that result in ascension。

#45Underwater Worlds

#46Land Based Worlds
Nature: Integrative
Glyphs #45 Underwater Worlds and #46 Unity of All Species unite to bee #79 UNITY OF ALL SPECIES
Unity of All Species occurs as all species embody unlimited expansion; unlimited joy; and unlimited self…expression within the dance of life。 As this occurs; all species are allowed their unique truth and dance upon all planes of reality within a creation。 As all species are allowed their truth; all species are also accepted and honored for their unique gift or contribution in service to the whole。

#9Unity Conscious…ness

#10Non…conditional Governance
Nature: pletion
Glyphs #9 Unity Consciousness and #10 Non…conditional Governance unite to bee #80 MUNION OF ALL SPECIES
munion of All Species is a pletion tone and therefore holds a bination of all tones 71 through 80 within it。 munion of All Species is the tone that allows all species to live in an ongoing state of munion with one another。 When all exist in joy and expansion; munion follows。 munion is a state in which each species is united with the other in an ongoing dance of giving and receiving of energies。 The ongoing dance creates the experience of unity; oneness; and belonging within each ponent of the whole。
Symbols through Karen Danrich 〃Mila〃 
and Text through Thomas Weber; 〃Oasantar〃

符号由Karen Danrich 〃Mila〃传递
文字由Thomas Weber; 〃Oasantar〃传递



#81… Fruition 
Nature: Active
The Symbols 'Purpose' and 'Fluidity' unite to bee 'Fruition'
Fruition is the tone that accelerates manifestation as it interrelates and bines with the totality of the description sent to the sun and returns as the creational hologram。 Each modulation of fruition contains differing ponents or shimmers to bine with different aspects of a description。 In embodying all fruition modulations; a more plete definition can be sent to the sun; resulting in a manifestation more in alignment with one's thought。



#10Non…conditional Governance

#82… Boundaries
Nature: Passive
The Symbols 'Forgiveness' and 'Non…conditional Governance' unite to bee 'Boundaries'
Boundaries is a synthesis which allows the enpassing of a space without defining the space; thereby remaining fluid as well as contained。 Boundaries; like any passive tone; provide the backdrop or underlying space holding that allows manifestation or creation to occur in a localized way。 Boundaries allow the presence of connected thought without shunning other thought。 Boundaries simply does not hold the space for non…connected thought。



Nature: Integrative
The Symbols 'Dream' and 'munity' unite to bee 'Alignment'
Alignment allows direction and purpose a presence in any creation。 Therefore guidance for any manifestation infused with alignment bees animate and creative; allowing for expansion; change; and evolution。 Any creation without movement is dying。 Any creation without purpose is without consciousness and functions solely in self…interest in a mechanical way。



Nature: Active
The Symbols 'Action' and 'munication' unite to bee 'Direct'
Direct is purposeful as vision made manifest through action in a direction。 Direct provides motion and power to empower a creational act into manifestation and sustain the manifestation in a state of evolution。 Any creation requires a constant infusion of Direct to maintain action or motion in a direction and in alignment with a vision or thought。 As each modulation of Direct is embodied; the ability to more finely tune a creation into alignment with the creational thought bees possible。

#43Unseen Worlds

#44Unspoken Worlds
Nature: Passive
The Symbols 'Unseen Worlds' and 'Unspoken Worlds' unite to bee 'Creation'
Creation provides the milieu for the projection of thought to manifest as a distinct form; formation; or formulation in relation to all other possible thoughts。 Creation contains the possibility for expression of all possible thought even in relation to each thought。 Creation connects thought whose purpose or consciousness requires the inter…connection for the evolution of all tho
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