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UNIT 13   The water planetNATURE'S NURSERY: ESTUARIES 自然之母——河口

    If the ocean is the source of life on earth; then the estuary is our planets nursery。 An estuary     
    is the body of water where a river meets the ocean。 Salt water from the ocean and fresh water from     
    the river mix together in an estuary。 This mixing of fresh and salt water creates a unique environment filled with life of all kind—a transition zone between the land and sea。 Estuaries are the homes of thousands of animals and plants。 Many cities and towns are built around estuaries;and seventyfive percent of fish are caught in estuaries。    
    Estuaries are great places for natures young ones。 Here; animals can enjoy all the benefits of the oceans without having to face many of its dangers。 Tides provide energy for the ecosystems;  but estuaries are protected from waves and storms by islands; mud; or sand。 Nutrients arrive in estuaries from both the land and the ocean。 The diversity of life in estuaries is incredible—birds; fish; marine mammals; shellfish and other species all come here to live; feed and reproduce。    
     Estuaries are also important because they absorb nutrients and pollutants from water coming from inland sources; thus cleaning our water。 Unfortunately; this function also makes estuaries very sensitive to environmental pollution。 Since estuaries protect animals and plants from storms and floods and prevent erosion; protecting them is very important。    
    Finally; estuaries provide both recreation and education for human beings。 Most of us enjoy fishing; swimming and having fun on the beach; and scientists and students have endless opportunities to study a variety of life in the habitat。 Estuaries also contribute to the economy through tourism and fishing。    
    1。This mixing of fresh and salt water creates a unique environment filled with life of all kinds—a transition zone between the land and sea。 盐水和淡水混合创造出了一个独特的环境,其中充满了各种生物——这是陆地和海洋的过渡区    
    (1) filled with相当于一个定语从句 which/ that is filled with …,此处用来修饰名词environment。    
    (2) a transition zone between the land and sea进一步补充说明 a unique environment。transition 为名词,表示“转变'换,移',演变; 变迁; 过渡(时期)”等的意思。    
    the frequent transition of weather 天气的变化无常    
    transition energy 转变能,跃迁能    
    2。Here; animals can enjoy all the benefits of the oceans without having to face many of its dangers。 在这里,动物们可以享受到海洋的所有益处而不必面对太多的危险。    
    benefit 不可数名词,表示“利益,好处”的意思。    
    This dictionary will be of much benefit to me。这部字典将对我有很大益处。    
    I did it for his benefit。 我做这个是为了帮助他。    
    benefit也可用作动词,表示“有益于;获益;得益于”之意,当表示“获益;得益于”的意思时常与from; by连用。    
    We benefit from/by daily exercises。 我们得益于每天做操。    
    Exercise benefits our health。 运动有益于我们的健康。    
    3。Tides provide energy for the ecosystems; but estuaries are protected from waves and storms by islands; mud; or sand。 潮汐供给生态系统能量,岛屿,淤泥和沙子保护着海湾免受大浪的侵袭。    
    (1) provide sth。 for sb。=provide sb。 with sth。 意为“供给某人某物;向某人提供某物”。    
    They provide us with food。 他们供给我们食物。    
    We provided food for the hungry children。我们为饥饿的孩子们提供食物。    
    (2) but estuaries are protected from waves and storms by islands; mud; or sand。 这个分句为短语 protect sth。 from /against sth“防止……免受……的侵害”的被动语态用法。变为主动则是islands; mud; or sand protect the estuaries from waves and storms。    
    4。Estuaries are also important because they absorb nutrients and pollutions from water coming from inland sources; thus cleaning our water。     
    (1) absorb 动词,表示“吸收(液体);吸取(知识);承受;占有”之意。短语be absorbed in sth。    
    We will not absorb these charges。 我们不能承担这些费用。    
    This job absorbs all of my time。这件工作占有了我的全部时间。    
    (2) thus cleaning our water在此处为分词短语表示结果。    
    5。…scientists and students have endless opportunities to study a variety of life in the habitat。    
    短语a (considerable; great; wide)variety of 表示“各种各样的,品类繁多的”之意。    
    The shoppingcentre sells a variety of goods。这个购物中心出售各种商品。    
    At school we learn a wide variety of things。 在学校我们学习各种知识。

Unit 14   Freedom fightersJohn Brown  约翰·布朗

    ·Born in 18001800年出生     
    ·Worked as a farmer身份是农民    
    ·Believed that slavery was bad认为奴隶制度是不对的    
    ·Made friends and lived with free black people in the 1840    
    ·Helped runaway slaves in the 1850s19世纪50年代帮助奴隶逃跑    
    ·In 1855 he and five of his sons fought to create a safe area for black people    
    Harriet Tubman哈里特·塔布曼    
    ·Born as a slave in 18201820年出生于奴隶家庭    
    ·Escaped in 18491849年逃跑    
    ·In 1850 a law was made to forbid people to help runaway slaves    
    ·Joined an action group to help runaway slaves in 1850    
    ·Saved more than 300 slaves from 1851 to 1861    
    ·Fought in the Civil War and rescued more than 750 slaves    
    ·Active in the womens rights movement after the war     
    ·Opened a home for old and poor black people in 1908。    
    1。Put in prison from
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