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us to pay it no heed; to expect nothing of value to come of it。
Only in sexuality does the millionth part dissimilarity become precious; because; not accessible in public; it must be conquered。 As recently as fifty years ago; this form of conquest took considerable time (weeks; even months!); and the worth of the conquered object was proportional to the time the conquest took。 Even today; when conquest time has been drastically cut; sexuality seems still to be a strongbox hiding the mystery of a woman's I。 
So it was a desire not for pleasure (the pleasure came as an extra; a bonus) but for possession of the world (slitting open the outstretched body of the world with his scalpel) that sent him in pursuit of women。
Men who pursue a multitude of women fit neatly into two categories。 Some seek their own subjective and unchanging dream of a woman in all women。 Others are prompted by a desire to possess the endless variety of the objective female world。
The obsession of the former is lyrical: what they seek in women is themselves; their ideal; and since an ideal is by definition something that can never be found; they are disappointed again and again。 The disappointment that propels them from woman to woman gives their inconstancy a kind of romantic excuse; so that many sentimental women are touched by their unbridled philandering。
The obsession of the latter is epic; and women see nothing the least bit touching in it: the man projects no subjective ideal on women; and since everything interests him; nothing can disappoint him。 This inability to be disappointed has something scandalous about it。 The obsession of the epic womanizer strikes people as lacking in redemption (redemption by disappointment)。
Because the lyrical womanizer always runs after the same type of woman; we even fail to notice when he exchanges one mistress for another。 His friends perpetually cause misunderstandings by mixing up his lovers and calling them by the same name。
In pursuit of knowledge; epic womanizers (and of course Tomas belonged in their ranks) turn away from conventional feminine beauty; of which they quickly tire; and inevitably end up as curiosity collectors。 They are aware of this and a little ashamed of it; and to avoid causing their friends embarrassment; they refrain from appearing in public with their mistresses。
Tomas had been a window washer for nearly two years when he was sent to a new customer whose bizarre appearance struck him the moment he saw her。 Though bizarre; it was also discreet; understated; within the bounds of the agreeably ordinary (Tomas's fascination with curiosities had nothing in common with Fellini's fascination with monsters): she was very tall; quite a bit taller than he was; and she had a delicate and very long nose in a face so unusual that it was impossible to call it attractive (everyone would have protested!); yet (in Tomas's eyes; at least) it could not be called unattractive。 She was wearing slacks and a white blouse; and looked like an odd combination of giraffe; stork; and sensitive young boy。
She fixed him with a long; careful; searching stare that was not devoid of irony's intelligent sparkle。 Come in; Doctor; she said。
Although he realized that she knew who he was; he did not want to show it; and asked; Where can I get some water? 
She opened the door to the bathroom。 He saw a washbasin; bathtub; and toilet bowl; in front of bath; basin; and bowl lay miniature pink rugs。
When the woman who looked like a giraffe and a stork smiled; her eyes screwed up; and everything she said seemed full of irony or secret messages。
The bathroom is all yours; she said。 You can do whatever your heart desires in it。 
May I have a bath? Tomas asked。
Do you like baths? she asked。
He filled his pail with warm water and went into the living room。 Where would you like me to start? 
It's up to you; she said with a shrug of the shoulders。
May I see the windows in the other rooms? 
So you want to have a look around? Her smile seemed to indicate that window washing was only a caprice that did not interest her。
He went into the adjoining room。 It was a bedroom with one large window; two beds pushed next to each other; and; on the wall; an autumn landscape with birches and a setting sun。
When he came back; he found an open bottle of wine and two glasses on the table。 How about a little something to keep your strength up during the big job ahead? 
I wouldn't mind a little something; actually; said Tomas; and sat down at the table。
You must find it interesting; seeing how people live; she said。
I can't complain; said Tomas。 All those wives at home alone; waiting for you。 You mean grandmothers and mothers…in…law。 Don't you ever miss your original profession? Tell me; how did you find out about my original profession? 
Your boss likes to boast about you; said the stork…woman。 After all this time! said Tomas in amazement。 When I spoke to her on the phone about having the windows washed; she asked whether I didn't want you。 She said you were a famous surgeon who'd been kicked out of the hospital。 Well; naturally she piqued my curiosity。 
You have a fine sense of curiosity; he said。 Is it so obvious? Yes; in the way you use your eyes。 And how do I use my eyes? You squint。 And then; the questions you ask。 You mean you don't like to respond? Thanks to her; the conversation had been delightfully flirtatious from the outset。 Nothing she said had any bearing on the outside world; it was all directed inward; towards themselves。 And because it dealt so palpably with him and her; there was nothing simpler than to complement words with touch。 Thus; when Tomas mentioned her squinting eyes; he stroked them; and she did the same to his。 It was not a spontaneous reaction; she seemed to be consciously setting up a do as I do kind of game。 And so they sat there face to face; their hands moving in stages along each other's bodies。
Not until Tomas reached her groin did she start resisting。 He could not quite guess how seriously she meant it。 Since much time had now passed and he was due at his next customer's in ten minutes; he stood up and told her he had to go。 Her face was red。 I have to sign the order slip; she said。 But I haven't done a thing; he objected。 That's my fault。 And then in a soft; innocent voice she drawled; I suppose I'll just have to order you back and have you finish what I kept you from starting。 
When Tomas refused to hand her the slip to sign; she said to him sweetly; as if asking him for a favor; Give it to me。 Please? Then she squinted again and added; After all; I'm not paying for it; my husband is。 And you're not being paid for it; the state is。 The transaction has nothing whatever to do with the two of us。 
The odd asymmetry of the woman who looked like a giraffe and a stork continued to excite his memory: the combination of the flirtatious and the gawky; the very real sexual desire offset by the ironic smile; the vulgar conventionality of the flat and the originality of its owner。 What would she be like when they made love? Try as he might; he could not picture it。 He thought of nothing else for several days。
The next time he answered her summons; the wine and two glasses stood waiting on the table。
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