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the present case it is employed to help us beyond the limits of its
sphere。 2。 〃From the impossibility of an infinite ascending series
of causes in the world of sense a first cause is inferred〃; a
conclusion which the principles of the employment of reason do not
justify even in the sphere of experience; and still less when an
attempt is made to pass the limits of this sphere。 3。 Reason allows
itself to be satisfied upon insufficient grounds; with regard to the
pletion of this series。 It removes all conditions (without which;
however; no conception of Necessity can take place); and; as after
this it is beyond our power to form any other conceptions; it
accepts this as a pletion of the conception it wishes to form of
the series。 4。 The logical possibility of a conception of the total of
reality (the criterion of this possibility being the absence of
contradiction) is confound。 ed with the transcendental; which requires
a principle of the practicability of such a synthesis… a principle
which again refers us to the world of experience。 And so on。
  The aim of the cosmological argument is to avoid the necessity of
proving the existence of a necessary being priori from mere
conceptions… a proof which must be ontological; and of which we feel
ourselves quite incapable。 With this purpose; we reason from an actual
existence… an experience in general; to an absolutely necessary
condition of that existence。 It is in this case unnecessary to
demonstrate its possibility。 For after having proved that it exists;
the question regarding its possibility is superfluous。 Now; when we
wish to define more strictly the nature of this necessary being; we do
not look out for some being the conception of which would enable us to
prehend the necessity of its being… for if we could do this; an
empirical presupposition would be unnecessary; no; we try to
discover merely the negative condition (conditio sine qua non);
without which a being would not be absolutely necessary。 Now this
would be perfectly admissible in every sort of reasoning; from a
consequence to its principle; but in the present case it unfortunately
happens that the condition of absolute necessity can be discovered
in but a single being; the conception of which must consequently
contain all that is requisite for demonstrating the presence of
absolute necessity; and thus entitle me to infer this absolute
necessity a priori。 That is; it must be possible to reason conversely;
and say: The thing; to which the conception of the highest reality
belongs; is absolutely necessary。 But if I cannot reason thus… and I
cannot; unless I believe in the sufficiency of the ontological
argument… I find insurmountable obstacles in my new path; and am
really no farther than the point from which I set out。 The
conception of a Supreme Being satisfies all questions a priori
regarding the internal determinations of a thing; and is for this
reason an ideal without equal or parallel; the general conception of
it indicating it as at the same time an ens individuum among all
possible things。 But the conception does not satisfy the question
regarding its existence… which was the purpose of all our inquiries;
and; although the existence of a necessary being were admitted; we
should find it impossible to answer the question: What of all things
in the world must be regarded as such?
  It is certainly allowable to admit the existence of an
all…sufficient being… a cause of all possible effects… for the purpose
of enabling reason to introduce unity into its mode and grounds of
explanation with regard to phenomena。 But to assert that such a
being necessarily exists; is no longer the modest enunciation of an
admissible hypothesis; but the boldest declaration of an apodeictic
certainty; for the cognition of that which is absolutely necessary
must itself possess that character。
  The aim of the transcendental ideal formed by the mind is either
to discover a conception which shall harmonize with the idea of
absolute necessity; or a conception which shall contain that idea。
If the one is possible; so is the other; for reason recognizes that
alone as absolutely necessary which is necessary from its
conception。 But both attempts are equally beyond our power… we find it
impossible to satisfy the understanding upon this point; and as
impossible to induce it to remain at rest in relation to this
  Unconditioned necessity; which; as the ultimate support and stay
of all existing things; is an indispensable requirement of the mind;
is an abyss on the verge of which human reason trembles in dismay。
Even the idea of eternity; terrible and sublime as it is; as
depicted by Haller; does not produce upon the mental vision such a
feeling of awe and terror; for; although it measures the duration of
things; it does not support them。 We cannot bear; nor can we rid
ourselves of the thought that a being; which we regard as the greatest
of all possible existences; should say to himself: I am from
eternity to eternity; beside me there is nothing; except that which
exists by my will; whence then am I? Here all sinks away from under
us; and the greatest; as the smallest; perfection; hovers without stay
or footing in presence of the speculative reason; which finds it as
easy to part with the one as with the other。
  Many physical powers; which evidence their existence by their
effects; are perfectly inscrutable in their nature; they elude all our
powers of observation。 The transcendental object which forms the basis
of phenomena; and; in connection with it; the reason why our
sensibility possesses this rather than that particular kind of
conditions; are and must ever remain hidden from our mental vision;
the fact is there; the reason of the fact we cannot see。 But an
ideal of pure reason cannot be termed mysterious or inscrutable;
because the only credential of its reality is the need of it felt by
reason; for the purpose of giving pleteness to the world of
synthetical unity。 An ideal is not even given as a cogitable object;
and therefore cannot be inscrutable; on the contrary; it must; as a
mere idea; be based on the constitution of reason itself; and on
this account must be capable of explanation and solution。 For the very
essence of reason consists in its ability to give an account; of all
our conceptions; opinions; and assertions… upon objective; or; when
they happen to be illusory and fallacious; upon subjective grounds。

     Detection and Explanation of the Dialectical Illusion in
       all Transcendental Arguments for the Existence of a
       Necessary Being。

  Both of the above arguments are transcendental; in other words; they
do not proceed upon empirical principles。 For; although the
cosmological argument professed to lay a basis of experience for its
edifice of reasoning; it did not ground its procedure upon the
peculiar constitution of experience; but upon pure principles of
reason… in relation to an existence given by empirical
consciousness; utterly abandoning its guidance; however; for the
purpose of supporting its assertions entirely upon pure conceptions。
Now what is the cause; in these transcendental arguments; o
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